Чествование ветеранов завода по случаю 80-летия предприятия

Чествование ветеранов завода по случаю 80-летия предприятия

      12.July 2021 on the day of the 80th anniversary of the formation of the enterprise, by the decision of the General Director P.A. Sluchak and the support of the trade union committee headed by G.I. Denisova. and the Council of Veterans of the plant, which is headed by N.N.Kovaleva. an open day was held for veterans on a well-deserved rest. During a sightseeing tour of the territory and facilities of the enterprise, the veterans got acquainted with the work carried out to improve the repair processes of aviation equipment, the prospects for development until 2023 in the framework of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2018 No. 506 "On the development of the Orsha district of the Vitebsk region" and the Resolution Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 28, 2019 No. 58 "On approval of a set of measures for the implementation of the Development Program of the Orsha District for the period until 2023". At the end of the event, the veterans were invited to a sweet table in the enterprise canteen, where General Director P.A. Sluchak, who thanked them for many years of conscientious work and personal contribution of each to the establishment and development of the plant. The veteran was presented with commemorative booklets.

       In the period from 07/08/2021 to 07/13/2021. members of the women's council of the enterprise Sapego L.A., Osheva M.V., Gorodnichaya M.V. and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the city of p. Bolbasovo, veteran of the Azarov TM plant visited at home more than 70 veterans, former workers of the plant in the city of p. Bolbasovo and the villages adjacent to the village and congratulated them on the anniversary of the enterprise, presenting memorable souvenirs and flowers.