Our advantages
One of the most important advantages is the stability of political power in the Republic of Belarus.
The enterprise is located 13 kilometers to the south-west from the city of Orsha, which is a major railway junction of the Republic of Belarus..
30 kilometers to the northeast there are two highways: Warsaw-Moscow and Odessa-St. Petersburg. This allows you to take the aircraft equipment, aggregates and property into repair and send it from the repair not only by air, but also by rail and by road.
By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the «ORSHA» airfield, to which the plant is adjacent on the south side and has its own access to the runway, was opened to international flights, which greatly simplifies the logistics for the repair of aircraft.
«Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant» OJSC has extensive experience in repairing Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters of all modifications at the Customer’s premises, including in the countries of Central and Latin America, Asia, Africa and Europe, as well as providing technical support services while the helicopters operation, training of engineering and technical stuff, organization of service centers in various regions of the world.
«Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant» OJSC is a resident of the «Vitebsk», which gives preferential tax and customs preferences. In the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union of Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, there is a single customs territory, within which goods are handled free of customs duties, the quantitative restrictions and non-tariff regulation measures are not applied.
В рамках Евразийского экономического союза Беларуси, России, Казахстана, Армении и Киргизии функционирует единая таможенная территория, в пределах которой товары обращаются без взимания таможенных пошлин, не применяются количественные ограничения, меры нетарифного регулирования.
The advantages of «Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant» OJSC also include:
1. Well-known brand, more than 20 years of experience in the field of repairing the modifications of the Mi-8 Mi-24 helicopters.
2. Availability of experienced qualified personnel with their own school of repair, training of working stuff in secondary schools of Orsha according to special factory programs and retraining of specialists in the university of the Republic of Belarus and abroad.
3. Established partnerships with components suppliers and in the field of the aggregates repair within cooperation.
4. The will to preserve the traditions of high quality of services provided, the tradition of hospitality.
5. The use of modern technology in the process of repair and modernization.
6. The mastering of new technologies for the AT units repair (main gear boxes, avionics of foreign manufacturers, etc.), the manufacture of our own spare parts.
7. Special-purpose products quality control is carried out by the technical control department of the enterprise together with the military customer’s representative office (115 MAG of the Republic of Belarus Ministry of Defense).